Starting Health and Fitness Program?

This brings forth a mixed bag of euphoria, relief AND apprehension as you must prove your worth to yourself all over again.

Step 1. SCAN "What is the REAL ISSUE" column for feelings like:
Concern - about having made the right decision
Discomfort - about not meeting "impossible" expectation
Guilty - having to admit I have neglected my health for so long
Overwhelmed - about juggling commitments and making the time
Annoyed - about letting myself go so much
Angry - about not sticking to the process
Step 2. Press VIEW
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Following the program?


Speaking with Trainer?

It is important to keep in touch with your trainer.

Sometimes people want to speak with their trainer but are not always able to because of feelings of confusion, apprehension... Other times people do not ask because they don't think there is anything wrong to ask. It's always a good idea to keep in touch with your trainer.

Step 1. SCAN "What is the REAL ISSUE" column for feelings like:
Worried - Could look Silly - might ask a question that sounds stupid
Confused - don't know how to ask
Step 2. Press VIEW
Help - Its just 15 minutes away

Program Expiring?


Program Renewal?


Goal Unclear

This brings forth feelings of confusion, apprehension, INDecision, overwhelm as you must write out a clear precise targeted fitness "goal statement"... but that only has you saying theres so much wrong right now!!!.. I don't know where to start!!!..

Step 1. SCAN "What is the REAL ISSUE" column for feelings like:
Concern - about choosing the right focus
Disbelief - about not meeting my "impossible" expectations
Guilty - having to admit I have neglected my health for so long
Overwhelmed - about juggling commitments and making the time
Step 2. Press VIEW
Help - Its just 15 minutes away

Between Programs?


Doctor Said No to Health Plan

This brings forth feelings of confusion, concern, apprehension, fear because your body is telling you it needs exercise but doctor says no to a Health Plan..... What to DO??

Step 1. SCAN "What is the REAL ISSUE" column for feelings like:
Concern - about not being able to do anything
Helpless - having to accept what feels like a bad path
Disbelief - about not being able to find 'some' form of health plan to suit
Fear - doctor is protecting against self against lawsuit but leaves you on a dangerous path
Step 2. Press VIEW
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